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Maths Fun and Games

These are fun activities and games which can be played as a class or by small groups.

They help develop or reinforce the concepts addressed in the learning modules. Click the preferred format in the first column to download instructions and materials for that activity. Word documents need to be downloaded and opened in Word to display properly. The instructions are designed primarily for teachers to allow them to conduct the activity with a class.






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Mental arithmetic (all levels)

A game of bingo where students have to perform simple mental computations to work out the numbers called

Goodies and Baddies

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A quiz game between one half of the class and the other. The questions can be made up to suit the needs of the class

Group Problem Solving

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Problem solving – persistence and cooperation

A competition in which students work in groups to try to solve more problems correctly than the other groups

Mind Reading

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Problem solving

A simple magic trick for students to work out


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Problem solving

A strategy game for students to work out so they can succeed in the challenge of beating the teacher

Last One Standing

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A quick class game that rehearses recollection of facts and mental arithmetic skills. Can be used as a break and leg stretch

4-Corner Quiz

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This is a fun quiz involving movement that can be used to revise and reinforce any topic


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Number sense, mental arithmetic,estimation, order of operations

A card game in which students use numbers to make an expression as close in value as possible to a given target number

Back to Back

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Geometry, Communication

An activity where students have to give clear and precise mathematical instructions

Protractor Golf

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Estimating and measuring angles and distances

A game for two in which students aim for holes on a paper golf course by estimating then measuring direction and distance

Walk the Plank

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Adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers

A simulation of walking the plank using addition and subtraction of positive and negative numbers to decide which direction and how far to go

Fraction Line

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Fraction meanings and fractions of numbers

A game where one half of the class competes against the other half to best estimate given fractions of the way along a line

Fraction Dominoes

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Fraction conversion

A game of dominoes to develop fluency with recognising different expressions of the same fraction and with fraction conversion


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Fractions of numbers

A board game that rehearses fractions among other things


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Number facts and mental arithmetic

A board game for two

12 Question Challenge

pdf     docx

Problem solving – persistence and cooperation

A competition in which students work in groups to try to solve more problems correctly than the other groups

2 by 5 Challenge

pdf     docx

Problem solving – persistence and cooperation

A competition in which students work in groups to try to solve more problems correctly than the other groups


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Problem solving – persistence and cooperation

A competition in which students work in groups to try to solve a series of problems more quickly than the other groups

Number Facts Race

pdf     docx

Number Facts Fluency

A race between groups in which students have to recall and state number facts

Greedy Pig

pdf     docx


A game mostly for fun, but which helps develop intuitive ideas of probability. It can be used with all levels

Background image: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/beach-background-sea-ocean-3892386/ (cropped) (Creative Commons licence)