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Maths Assignments / Extended Tasks

This is the beginnings of a collection of extended maths tasks on a range of topics at a high school level.

In many cases they are accompanied by model worked solutions.

They might be useful for practice, reinforcement of ideas or assessment.





Levels 2-4
Years 8-10

Calculations in an astronomy context

Arithmetical calculations and use of formulae. Could be used as a class activity or the basis of an assignment.


Level 3
Year 9

Enlarging shapes

Discovering rules for how lengths, areas and volumes of shapes change when the linear dimensions change.

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Levels 3-4
Years 9-10


Various tasks on the theme of rainfall.

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Level 6
Years 11-12

MacLaurin series, calculus, complex numbers

Generating MacLaurin series by repeated differentiation; application to complex numbers.

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Level 6
Years 11-12

Combinatorics, number theory

Students flutter decks of cards of various sizes and investigate the number of flutters required to return he deck to the original order.

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Level 6
Years 11-12

Calculus, air resistance, numerical methods

Students use numerical methods to calculate trajectories with and without air resistance.

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Level 6
Years 11-12

Complex numbers, fractals

Students perform iterations of operations on the complex plane as an introduction to fractals.

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Level 6
Years 11-12


Students calculate probabilities involved in a 6-card variation on poker.

pdf     docx

Background image: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/beach-background-sea-ocean-3892386/ (cropped) (Creative Commons licence)